About John R. Kruidenier, Ed.D., Director
Dr. Kruidenier has more than 30 years experience in education and the field of literacy. His extensive professional experience includes work as a classroom teacher at both the high school and university levels, research and consultation, and as a project director for federally funded projects for government agencies such as the U.S. Department of Education. The author of numerous articles and publications, he has presented at many national conferences on the literacy development of students with learning disabilities, literacy assessment, literacy instruction, adult literacy, the uses of educational technology, text processing, and literacy courseware.
As an education consultant in private practice, Dr. Kruidenier specializes in literacy and technology issues. He works directly with children and adults with learning disabilities as well as providing consultation to schools and other organizations in the areas of literacy (reading and writing instruction). He offers professional development workshops for educators on reading and literacy, and tutoring services, in compliance with state and federal education mandates.
A 1991 graduate of Harvard University, where he received his doctorate in Reading and Related Language and Learning Disabilities, Dr. Kruidenier also holds an M.Ed. in Secondary Education-English and a B.A. in English from the University of Illinois as well as certification in special education in three states. He has been active in several professional organizations, including the International Reading Association, Council on Adult Basic Education, and International Dyslexia Association, as well as serving on several executive boards in the Philadelphia area, including the Philadelphia Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, Montgomery County Literacy Network, The Hill Top Preparatory School, and The Quaker School at Horsham.
Additional staff include researchers, teachers, and support personnel.
Examples of KEC Projects
- U.S. Department ofEducation, National Institute for Literacy, Washington, D.C. Coordination of a group of experts in literacy and adult education charged with evaluating adult reading instruction research in order to develop and disseminate evidence-based principles and practices for researchers and teachers.
- National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Evaluation of current adult literacy assessment practices. Member of Advisory Board for online reading assessment and instruction tool for teachers.
- Montgomery County OIC, Norristown, Pennsylvania. Designed, implemented, and evaluated START, Systematic Training for America Reads Tutors, a U.S. Department of Education, OERI-funded project to train volunteer reading tutors for children in kindergarten through the third grade. Named one of the nation’s best programs in the U.S. DOE publication, So That Every Child Can Read… America Reads Community Training Partnerships: A Review of Effective and Promising Practices in Volunteer Reading Tutoring Programs.
- Arcadia University, Glenside, Pennsylvania. Coordinator for the development of a website for Head Start and RSVP (senior volunteer) literacy programs.
- The New York Public Library, Centers for Reading and Writing, New York, New York. Plan for technology integration, provision of staff development related to literacy assessment and literacy technology, and evaluation of a Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest project.
- Literacy and technology projects for several Philadelphia-area private schools and educational organizations.
Professional Experience - Teaching
- Diagnosis and remediation of children’s and adults’ reading and writing difficulties (ongoing)
- Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Instructor in the Harvard Reading Laboratory and Extension School; Teaching Assistant in the Harvard Reading Laboratory and Extension School; and Teaching Fellowship in the Graduate School of Education.
- Oyster River High School, Durham, New Hampshire. Department Chairperson in Special Education; Director of the Vocational Assistance for Disadvantaged Learners Program; and Resource/Consultant Teacher.
- University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire. Reading Teacher in the Upward Bound Summer Program.
- Beloit High School, Beloit Wisconsin. Resource/Consultant Teacher.
Professional Experience - Research
- KEC Research Projects (ongoing: see KEC Consulting Projects above)
- IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York. Research Post Doctorate in Exploratory Education Systems, Computer Science Department.
- Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Research Assistant in the department of Reading, Language, and Learning Disabilities; Research Assistant in the Educational Technology Center; and Research Assistant in the department of Human Development.
- University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. Research Assistant in the department of Special Education.
- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Research Associate in the Graduate School of Education and Research Director of the Literacy Technology Laboratory, National Center on Adult Literacy (NCAL).
Professional Organizations
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
American Psychological Association (APA)
Council on Adult Basic Education (COABE)
International Dyslexia Association (IDA)
International Reading Association (IRA)
National Reading Conference (NRC)
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading