Kruidenier Education Consulting
Literary Services for organizations and individuals.

Offering news, tips and research findings and advances in the field.

KEC Blog

Welcome to Kruidenier Education Consulting (KEC) and KEC Tutoring. We are dedicated to assisting children and adults in improving their literacy skills. Reading and writing are critical to success throughout life and evidenced-based approaches to improving these skills have proven to be the most successful means for doing so. In addition to providing direct services to individuals, KEC also offers a number of consulting services for schools and organizations. Please read through our website for details on all our services.

Meantime, take a moment to read our current post. We will be updating our blog regularly to keep you abreast of what's happening at KEC as well as tips for parents on supporting children experiencing literacy challenges, adults who may need assistance in these areas and news and information as it relates to findings and advances in the field.

Author: John Kruidenier
Date: 3/24/15
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and other organizations have concluded that vision training methods (eye exercises, colored lenses and filters, behavioral vision therapy, muscle exercises, ocular pursuit and tracking exercises, “training” glasses, prisms) are not effective for treating dyslexia or a learning disability in reading. The reason is fairly simple – vision problems do not cause dyslexia and, therefore, vision therapy cannot address (or cure) the primary causes of dyslexia, or the symptoms associated with a learning disability in reading. AAP has concluded that dyslexia is a sound-based problem, caused because of an impairment in the ability to represent, store, and retrieve the basic sounds in our language that are used to build words. . . .